The tectonic plates are pillars of our inner beings. Just as the plates alter the shape of the mother planet, so shall we as individuals migrate through life forever. Forever changing shape, expression, understanding, and being. The oceans flow over the plates, plunging into the depths of trenches formed now, in the past, and in the future. Aimless wandering has become a foundation of humanity and we must return to our core beings. Humanity has been stagnant, but mother planet is always changing and always growing. It is time for humanity to grow and be clean, too.
At the beginning of time, all things were fluid. Trees, like water, were liquid and flowed through the sands of the mother planet, placed here long before we remember. It is time to remember! Once again, the time is now to flow like the river down the waterfall. Crashing back to the depths of the ravine. Now we must flow into the oceans. The plates are moving and this time, humanity, too. It cannot be predicted when the plates will change, but The Tribe will be prepared to usher in the change toward salvation, welcome the new world shape, and reverse the bad into the good to heal mother planet.